Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Reading Notes 15 - March 27th

100 Tuesday Tips


Warm object = cool highlight
Cool object = warm highlight

Image result for griz and norm highlights

Good Tangents

Good when...
 - Creating a new abstract shape.
 - When there's a shape breaking what would have been a bad tangent.

Image result for griz and norm good tangents

Beware of Tangents

Most common tangents:
1.  Continuous long line (straight or curve).
2.  Touch each other/tension points (within the drawing itself or the edge of your canvas).
*See previous image for visual guide*

How do you Paint?

Advice from Bob Kato:
- Back to Front
- Dark to Light
- Dull to Bright
- General to Detail

Image result for griz and norm how do you paint

Painting Eyes 101

1.  Know your light source.
2.  Think basic material.
3.  Combine them and add detail (eyelash or shadow).

Image result for griz and norm painting eyes 101

Hue + Value + Saturation

Hue: the color itself
Value: how dark or light the hue is in greyscale
Saturation: how intense the brightness of the hue

Image result for griz and norm hue value saturation

Stylizing an Object

1. Draw studies from reference.
2. Only draw final from studies.
*TIP: Push everything a little more than it really is.

Stylized Fur

1.  Silhouette
2.  Interior -- do indication
3.  Combine both

Image result for griz and norm stylizing an object

Painting Hair

1.  Start with a clean silhouette of the overall shape.
2.  Create shape within a shape.  Combination of big, medium and small.
3.  Add extra strands to make it look more organic.

How to Paint Hair

1.  Base color
2.  Add dark w/soft brush to create volume.
3.  Paint hair on a separate layer.  Use a more saturated version of the base color.
4.  Add highlight.
5.  Add lines to create shape separation and hair strands.
6.  Final highlight.

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