Thursday, March 2, 2017

Reading Notes 10 - March 6th

100 Tuesday Tips

Push it

Push character posing to make a clear statement.
Define line of action and a clear silhouette.

Image result for griz and norm push it

The 3 Steps

Character Drawing/Posing Process:
1.  Quick, bold, gesture
2.  Shapes and angles
3.  Volumes

Image result for griz and norm push it

Simple Volumes

Suggest volume and perspective through receding curved lines.

Line of Action

 - Easier to see on characters without as many limbs and in mid-air.
 - Spine is always part of the line of action.
 - Props and can/should become a continuation to the line of action.

Image result for griz and norm line of action


 - Dominant characters should be higher on screen/composition.
 - Use clear lines of action to define relationship of power.
 - Open vs closed = confident vs unsure.

Gesture Drawing

 - Don't overthink it.
 - Keep it simple.
 - A few simple lines are often more direct than making it very detailed.
 - Putting the character in a simple situation can give feeling.

Image result for griz and norm gesture drawing

More Tips on Gesture Drawing

 - Interlock curves to create rhythm.
 - Keep limbs clearly defined.
 - Emphasize the leg which carries the most weight.

Image result for griz and norm gesture drawing


Strip your character down to big shapes.  Only keep what can be used.  Use and re-use over while creating a story or composition.
 - Animals can usually be stripped down to the spine.
 - Certain head positions can be used and re-used.  They should become second-nature.
 - Shapes, stances, and attitudes should be represented in just a few lines.

Image result for griz and norm shorthands

More Acting, Less Anatomy

 - Simple characters should be used to explore the acting possibilities.
 - Suggest clothing and shadows if they add to your story.
 - Sketching should be fast and loose.

Image result for griz and norm shorthands

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