Friday, March 10, 2017

Reading Notes 12 - March 13th

100 Tuesday Tips

Straight against Curves

- Straights lead the eye quickly while curves slow it down.
- Breaking down more complex shapes using straights and curves.
- Weight and function.

Image result for griz and norm straights and curves


- Group fingers to simplify the overall gesture.
- Create a silhouette that will read quickly and clearly.
- Create a clear line of action.

Image result for griz and norm straights and curves


- Similar to hands.
- Feet can say relaxed and confident or nervous, shy, awkward, etc...
- Toes are like a staircase.

Image result for griz and norm feet

Rules of Cropping

- Crop at 2/3 or 3/4 marks (creates comfortable breathing room)
- Do Not crop at joints or edges!

Image result for griz and norm cropping

Generic Female Body Proportion

- Basic 8 head proportion.
- Stylized: everything gets pushed a little more (longer neck, smaller waist, more pinch at joints...)

Image result for griz and norm female proportion

Hand Design: Masculine vs Feminine

- Mass: Wide vs Lean
- Shape: Square vs Pointy
- Neutral Pose: In vs Out

Image result for griz and norm hand design

Head Basics and Foundation

- Skull and planes of the head!

Image result for griz and norm head basics

No Straight Lines

- Straight lines kill the fluidity of a pose!
- Curved lines give a ton of information.
- Switch curvature to give rhythm.

Image result for griz and norm no straights

Floating Hands

- Drawing hands first can help with gesture and structure.
- Foreshortened poses are often focused on hands.
- Hands don't support body weight in standing poses.  They can be placed to provide clarity and appeal.

Image result for griz and norm floating hands


- Match the eyebrows to the shapes/expressions of the eyes.

Image result for griz and norm eyes


- Think of ears as volumes.  They can be very useful in "over the shoulder" shots.
- Can help indicate position of the head/perspective.

Image result for griz and norm ear


- Remember, the bony part doesn't move.  The fleshy part does.
- Simplify!

Image result for griz and norm nose


- Keep hairline and part in mind.
- Always start with big shapes.  Break down to smaller shapes later.  Keep it flowing!

Image result for griz and norm nose

Skull and Bones

- Remember: Same bones under different body types (muscle/fat).

Image result for griz and norm skull and bones

Visual Anchors

- Use clothing to express volumes and direction!

Image result for griz and norm visual anchors


- Use folds, edges, etc. to suggest volume and perspective.
- Pay attention to tension and gravity.
- Begin with big shapes (like hair) and then add smaller details.

Image result for griz and norm clothing


- Combination of contour and "kind of straight" lines for the silhouette.
- Pay attention to tension!

Image result for griz and norm clothing

Leg Support

- Easy to understand weight when holding a heavy object.
- Consider own body weight as well.  Especially when standing.

Image result for griz and norm leg support

Face Profile

- Enables the artist to play with many different sizes and shapes.
- Watch out for the ear and back of the head!

Image result for griz and norm face profile

Asymmetry in Facial Expressions

- Asymmetry expresses anything looking for a solution.
- Tilt of head can add even more.

Image result for griz and norm face profile

Simple Shadows

- Simplify areas of shadow.
- Less is more.

Image result for griz and norm simple shades

Body Shapes

- Repeat a similar shape within a main body shape to unify a basic character design.

Image result for griz and norm body shapes


- Understand the basics first!
- Remember the lower jaw can move around quite a bit.

Image result for griz and norm teeth

Watch Your Back

- Different body types, same basic foundation!
- Some back muscles wrap around to the front. (Teres major, lats)

Image result for griz and norm watch your back

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